Hashing 基礎介紹
DS 筆記 : Hashing 基礎介紹
OS 筆記 - Ch11 File System Implementation
Ch11 File System Implementation 的整理筆記
Ch11 File System Implementation 的整理筆記
- File-System Structure
- File System Implementation
- Disk Allocation Methods
- Free-Space Management
OS 筆記 - Ch5 Multithreaded Programming
Ch5 Multithreaded Programming 的整理筆記
Ch5 Multithreaded Programming 的整理筆記
- Introduction
- Benefits of Multithreading
- Multithcore Programming
- User vs. Kernel Threads
- Multithreading Models
- Thread libraries
- OS examples
2019 回顧
MeteorV 的 2019 回顧 !
既然有在加減弄 blog,寫個回顧也是理所當然的 : )
OS 筆記 - CH9 Virtual Memory Management
CH9 Virtual Memory Management 筆記
CH9 Virtual Memory Management 筆記 !
- Background
- Demand Paging
- step
- Demand Paging Performance
- Process Creation
- Page Replacement
- Page Replacement Algorithms
- Allocation of Frames
- Trashing
- Working-Set Model
- Page Fault Frequency Scheme
如何找 articulation point
快速複習如何找 articulation point !
Web Server + API Gateway + Lambda 搭建 Serverless 服務
練習使用 AWS 搭建 Serverless 服務之過程記錄。
Unit in the last place (ulp) 計算方式
Unit in the last place (ulp) 計算方式
筆記一下 Unit in the last place (ulp) 的計算方式